N&N Eggnog
Nice and Naughty Nog are two flavors of the classic Christmas drink, Eggnog. Product and packaging design created in a contemporary style utilizing hand type manipulation and illustration. Reflecting similar design characteristics, the two Holiday products complement each other nicely, but are sold separately. Nice Nog is the traditional holiday drink, while Naughty Nog includes an extra kick to the holiday season with added alcohol. It is up to the consumer to choose what type of holiday season they want to indulge in. Brand Logo executed in Procreate and Illustrator.
Brand expansion executed through product design. Nice Nog includes detailed illustration of plugged in lights to “Brighten you Holiday” while Naughty Nog suggest to “Un-Plug this Holiday” with illustration showcasing lights unplugged. Witty details exemplified throughout package design and illustrated light pattern. Hand rendered logo and illustration presented on white model milk carton. Food industry details added for realism, along with texture overlay.